To what extent will ABEL BLACK stainless steel support versatile and diverse modes of expression? Teruhiro Yanagihara Studio has conducted experiments to gauge the essential value of the material, seeking to further enhance its potential. Here they variously fold and bend pieces of ABEL BLACK, all cut in the same original shape. They demonstrate the range of depth and alternative that the colour can assume. They also investigate the different aurora-like swirling light patterns that occur during the folding and bending process, depending on external conditions. These experiments clarify that the deepest black is realised through multiple layering. These experiments will reveal to visitors how blackness can be defined, the relationships between colour and light, and the effects these have on the human mind.
黒く発色するステンレス〈ABEL BLACK〉は、どれほどに多様な表現域を持つものなのか。Teruhiro Yanagihara Studioは、素材の本質的価値を見極め、さらにそのポテンシャルを引き出すため多様な実験に取り組む。同じ形状に切り出したABEL BLACKに、シンプルな折りや曲げの成形加工をプラスすることで、“黒色”のなかにいかに幅広い光と奥行きが生まれるかを検証。さらに、その製作過程のなかで環境条件の違いによってオーロラ状に現れる光の渦にも注目。複数の要素が重ね合わせることで、深みのある黒が実現する様子を明らかにしていく。来場者はそれぞれの実験結果を通して、黒をベースとした色彩の定義、色と光の関係、感性に及ぼす影響を読み解いていく。
Teruhiro Yanagihara established Teruhiro Yanagihara Studio in 2002. Their design activities are encapsulated in the slogan ‘designing situations’. The Studio is interdisciplinary across products, spaces and brand directions. It currently has main bases in Kobe and Arles, with other team members based in the UK and Netherlands. Teruhiro Yanagihara Studio handles international and borderless projects.